Shopping basket

{{ cart.count }} item in the basket. Total price {{ cart.price }}

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{{ item.count }} × {{ item.title }}
size: {{ item.size }}
{{ item.price }}
{{ message }}

Feel your body

How can I return Nallu?

If you wish to change the size of Basic or Soft and Trek models or return them, sandals must be unworn, undamaged and in their original packaging. In case of a refund, send the shoes properly cleaned. If these requirements are not met, we cannot proces your complaint. If you purchased custom-made sandals, there is NO possibility of refund or exchange of sandals in the full amount of the original price.

Pokud máte sandály vyrobené na míru, zaniká možnost vrácení peněz nebo výměny sandálů v plné výši původní ceny.

How to proceed with an exchange/refund?

Please read the Complaints Guide. carefully. Contact us via our email address before attempting to return any

Please proceed to send your Nallu to the address below after receiving email confirmation from us

nallufootwear s.r.o
Komenského 882
Slavičín 76321

We will process and resolve your complaint as soon as possible

Complaints Guide.PDF

Vzorový reklamační formulář.PDF

Policy od personal data processing.PDF

Vzorový formulář pro odstoupení od smlouvy.PDF